Saturday, February 26, 2011

My Precious Panda's ♥

Supplies Needed
Scrap kit by Scrapin Designs called Precious Pandas-Peace Here
Please leave some love for this Designer.Was PTU now FTU
Font: BatangChe
Drop Shadow of choice.
Textured Masks-Geometric squares(in Psp)

Remember to Save Often!!!

Let's create

Open new image 600 x 600.
Open paper 1 new layer select all paste into selection apply mask
(can be found in your Textured Mask that came with psp)
deselect,Merge.Merge group.
Open frames 4 and 5 resize both 22%, then using your Pick Tool pull them out
so they are both same size.
Click inside farme 4 with Magic Wand making sure to get all the areas around the bamboo.Selections/modify/Expand 4.
Open paper9 resize30 paste line up the design on side of paper,
Selections/Invert/hit delete move below frame. Repeat for frame 5.
Effects/Textured Effects/ Blinds apply these settings below
to both door papers.

Open BambooBranches resize 22% duplicate/image/mirror.
Add your text I used FG:a87859 BG:ffffff .Place on right side
of layer-middle section of window.
Open Butterfly 4 resize 12% move to top of text.
Open Precious panda and Precious panda0 resize both 24% place at bottom of frames.

Add your Artist © and your name.
This is only a guide and feel free to use any other element you wish.
Most of all have fun creating.

1.Open As click back into Psp Edit/Copy special/Copy Merged click on As and
paste as New Animation.
2. Back in Psp close out both blind layers, Copy Special/Copy Merged, click into As,
Edit/paste/ After current frame.
3. Click on 1st frame,Effects/Insert Image Transition/ with these settings:

4. You now have 21 frames, click on 1st frame then,
Animations/Frame Properties/change to 100.
5. Click on last frame and repeast above again.Check your animation, save a Gif.

Email me your creation, so I can show off your creations on my blog.
Thank you for using my tutorial.

Written by © Maree (aka Falcon) on 27th February 2011
Any similarities to this tutorial are purely coincidental

Wheels of Progress ♥

Supplies Needed

I'm using the artwork of Cris Ortega, you find it Here
Scrap kit by Gothic Inspriations called SteamPunk Sampler Here
Please leave some love for the creator.
Font: AgainstTheWind49

Drop Shadow of choice.

Remember to Save Often!!!

Let's create

Open new image 650 x 650.
Open Paper5_GI_SteamPunkSampler new layer select all paste into selection/deselect.
OpenMaskDrop_GI_SteamPunkSampler move to center of layer.

OpenParchment_GI_SteamPunkSampler resize 90%.
Open Frame1_GI_SteamPunkSampler open your tube paste into frame, then using yourSelection tool draw out a rectangle ending below the wrench,
right click, Promote selection to layer, move this above your frame layer.

Open Ribbon2_GI_SteamPunkSampler resize to fit frame, use your Pick Tool for this.

Open Bow1_GI_SteamPunkSampler resize 32& move to top leftof frame.

Open Gadgets_GI_SteamPunkSampler resize 42% move to top right of frame.

OpenClockPin_GI_SteamPunkSampler place above wheel coge on left side the use your Selection Tool to erase part of the pin, see tag.

Open Leaves_GI_SteamPunkSampler paste above frame layer then resize 52%,
Image/Mirror move to left of frame.

Add your Artist © and your name then crop and save.
This is only a guide and feel free to use any other element you wish.
Most of all have fun creating.

Email me your creation, so I can show off your creations on my blog.
Thank you for using my tutorial.

Written by © Maree (aka Falcon) on 26th February 2011
Any similarities to this tutorial are purely coincidental

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Heaven's Little Angel ♥

Supplies Needed

I'm using the artwork of Suzanne Woolcott, you find it Here
Scrap kit by Wicked Princess Scraps called Angels Above Here
please leave a little love for the Designer.
Font: of Choice
Drop Shadow of choice.
Mask wsl_84 Here
Remember to Save Often!!!

Let's create

Open new image 650 x 650.
Open WP_AA_BracketFrame resize 85% click inside with Magic Wand/Selections/Modify/Expand by 2
then copy paste WP_AA_PP15/Selections/Invert/
hit delete move below frame.

Open WP_AA_Diamondscatter reisze 75%.
Open WP_AA_Mist move to left side of frame.

Open WP_AA_CurlyRibbon resize 85%,Image/Mirror move to top of frame.
Open WP_AA_MoonAngle resize 65% move to center of frame.
Open WP_AA_Gate align in center of frame.
Open WP_AA_HeartWreathFrame resize 35% move to top of right side pillar,
with FreeHand Selection tool remove top part of frame, see tag.

Open WP_AA_Rosevine resize 75% Image/Mirror move to left pillar.
Open WP_AA_Fusia resize 33% move to top of left pillar, see tag.
Open WP_AA_FeatherFan resize 45% move to left of layer.
Open WP_AA_Hibiscus resize 45% duplicate move both to left side of layer

Open WP_AA_Camilla resize 39% place between Hibiscus flowers
Add your tube resize if needed.
Open WP_AA_PP12 apply mask/Merge/Merge group.
Give all Drop Shadow 2/2/50/3.

Add your Artist © and your name then crop and save.
This is only a guide and feel free to use any other element you wish.
Most of all have fun creating.

Email me your creation, so I can show off your creations on my blog.
Thank you for using my tutorial.

Written by © Maree (aka Falcon) on 25th February 2011
Any similarities to this tutorial are purely coincidental

Lady In Blue ♥

Supplies Needed

I'm using the artwork of Jamie Kidd, you find it Here CDO
Scrap kit byScrapers Emproium called Icy Blue Here
Font: Vivakli
Drop Shadow of choice.
HorsePlayes Pastures mask_25 Here

Remember to Save Often!!!

Let's create

Open new image 650 x 650 transparent.
Select SCE_IceBlue paper2,new layer select all paste into selection/deselect.
Select SCE_IceBlue Paper3 apply mask, merge/merge group.
Select SCE_IceBlue Sachet resize 45%
Select SCE_IceBlue Frame resize 20%,click inside with Magic Wand/selections/
Modify/Expand by 4.
open SCE_IceBlue paper1 resize 30 %/selections/Invert/hit delete
,move below frame.
Select a closeup tube,new layer copy paste into selection/deselect.
Select Blend Mode/Luminance(Legacy).
Add your main tube move to right of frame.
Select SCE_IceBlue Ribbon resize 29%, Image/FreeRotate 90 right.
move below frame.
Select SCE_IceBlue Flowers 1 & 2 resize both 32% place below tube,
using your Eraser removepart of the 1st flower to show the ribbon.

Select SCE_IceBlue Leafy Branch resize 18% move to left of frame.
Select SCE_IceBlue Butterfly resize 14% place left of frame.
Select SCE_IceBlue Brad 1 & 2 resize both place at bottom of branch.
Select SCE_IceBlue Bow resize 50% move to left.
Give all a light Drop Shadow 1/1/40/2 except your mask and sachet layers.

Add your Artist © and your name I used FG:000000 BG:639fc4 give all a Drop Shadow,
Image/Resize 80% tick the all layers box,then save.
This is only a guide and feel free to use any other element you wish.
Most of all have fun creating.

Email me your creation, so I can show off your creations on my blog.
Thank you for using my tutorial.

Written by © Maree (aka Falcon) on 25th February 2011
Any similarities to this tutorial are purely coincidental