Saturday, March 19, 2011

Easter Greetings ♥

Supplies Needed

I'm using the artwork of ©Caron Vinson,
my license is for CILM and you now can find this artist Here
Scrap kit by WishingonaStar called Sunny Easter FTU Here
Font: Ecolier
Drop Shadow of choice.
HorsePlay's Pastur mask_12 Here
Remember to Save Often!!!

Let's create

Open new image 700 x 700 FloodFill with #ffffff.llipse
Select WishingonaStar_Paper6 minimize.
In your Material pallet BG: select Pattern and FG: select#ffffff.
Open Preset/draw a large circle/convert to raster.
Using your Magic Wand select out circle(white) then Adjust/
Add Noise:Guassian 50 tick box-Monochrome.

New layer above background layer FloodFill with #b4d47e/apply mask/merge group.
Select WishingonaStar_SunnyEaster(57) resize 85% move to top of circle.
Select WishingonaStar_SunnyEaster(15) resize 75% move to top of circle.
Select WishingonaStar_SunnyEaster(56) move to bottom of circle.

Select WishingonaStar_SunnyEaster(38) resize 45% move to center of flowers.
Select WishingonaStar_SunnyEaster(7) resize 46% move to right of layer.
Select WishingonaStar_SunnyEaster(8) move to right of circle.
Select WishingonaStar_SunnyEaster(25) resize 48% move over ribbon.

Add your tube place on left of layer.
Give all a drop Shadow 2/2/60/5.
I used Stroke 2-FG:#000000 and BG:b4d47e for my name.

Add your Artist © and your name then resize 80% and save.
This is only a guide and feel free to use any other element you wish.
Most of all have fun creating.

Email me your creation, so I can show off your creations on my blog.
Thank you for using my tutorial.

Written by © Maree (aka Falcon) on March 2011
Any similarities to this tutorial are purely coincidental.

Friday, March 18, 2011

I'v Got The Music In Me

Supplies Needed

I'm using the artwork of ©Elias Chatzoudis, you purchase his artwork Here
Scrap kit by Kim's Korner called Dont Sop the Music FTU Here
Drop Shadow of choice.
HorsePlay's Pasture mask_13 Here
Remember to Save Often!!!

Let's create

Open new image 650 x 650.
Open kk_DSTM_paper08, minimize,open Material-Pattern and find paper
for background then change your FG: to #000000.
Select Preset Shapes find Elispe width 20.00, draw out a Medium size
circle/Objects/Align/center in canvas.
Using your Magic Wand click on outer circle/ Adjust/Add Noise:
using these settings:

Select kk_DSTM_Speakers07 then duplicate move till you happy with placement
Add your tube I place mine between the speakers.
Select kk_DSTM_PCD resie 85% move to center of layer.
I typed the words Don't Stop The Music
but you can add your own selection.

Select kk_DSTM_Splat 01,02,03and 04 paste these around your tube.
I add some text to these.
You can add your own.
Open kk_DSTM_Paper05 and apply the mask/Merge/Merge group.
Give all a Drop shadow.

Add your Artist © and your name then crop and save.
This is only a guide and feel fr ee to use any other element you wish.
Most of all have fun creating.

Email me your creation, so I can show off your creations on my blog.
Thank you for using my tutorial.

Written by © Maree (aka Falcon) on March 2011
Any similarities to this tutorial are purely coincidental

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Bunny Love ♥

Supplies Needed

I'm using the artwork of © Elias Chatzoudis,this tube was purchased from MPT,
you now can find it Here

Scrap kit by Black Widow Creationz called FTU Bunny Hop BT Here

Font: Cosmic Sands MS
Drop Shadow of choice.
HorsePlays Pastures mask_34 Here

Remember to Save Often!!!

Let's create

Open new image 600 x 600 floodfill with #ffffff.
New layer select all open BWC_BunnyHopBT_PP4 paste into selection/
deselect appply mask, merge group.
Open BWC_BunnyHopBT_El35 paste as new layer,Click inside frame Magic Wand

Selections/Modify/Expand by4 select/paste BWC_BunnyHopBT_PP8/
selections/Invert/hit Delete, move below frame.

Add your tube paste below frame layer resize if needed.

Open BWC_BunnyHopBT_El16 resize 85% move below frame move to left/duplicate/Image/Mirror.
Open BWC_BunnyHopBT_Ele 30 resize 53% place behind flowers.
Open BWC_BunnyHopBT_Ele 10,11 and Ele 15 resize as needed place next to frame.

Open BWC_BunnyHopBT_Ele 5 resize 65% place top of frame,
Open BWC_BunnyHopBT_Ele 18,19 and Ele20 resize as needed,
place in front of frame to your liking.

Open BWC_BunnyHopBT_Ele 26 resize 65% place left side of layer.
Give all a light Drop Shadow.
I used FG:#ffffff and BG:#563e21 for my name.

Add your Artist © and your name then crop and save.
This is only a guide and feel free to use any other element you wish.
Most of all have fun creating.

Email me your creation, so I can show off your creations on my blog.
Thank you for using my tutorial.

Written by © Maree (aka Falcon) on 6th March 2011
Any similarities to this tutorial are purely coincidental

Feeling Lucky ♥

Supplies Needed

I'm using the artwork of ©Anna Marine , you find it Here
Scrap kit by Maxi Scraps FTU called St Patrick Day BT Here
FontLucinda Calligraphy
Drop Shadow of choice.

Remember to Save Often!!!

Let's create

Open new image 650 x 650.
Open ss-m-patrick-day-frame 04 resize 75% click inside with Magic wand Selections/modify/expand by 4/select ss-m-patrick-day-pp16
/selections/Invert/hit delete/move below frame layer.

Open ss-m-patrick-day-Element11 paste above backgroundlayer.
Open ss-m-patrick-day-Element76 resize 75% move to top left of frame.
Open ss-m-patrick-day-Ele 20 resize 18% move to left of layer.
Add your tube place on left of layer.

Open ss-m-patrick-day-element 55 resize 45% move up half way inside frame.
Open ss-m-patrick-day-element 50 resize 18% move to right of frame.
Open ss-m-patrick-day-Element40 resize 20% move over the pot of gold.
Open ss-m-patrick-day-Element57 resize 10% place under rainbow
I used Drop Shadow 2/2/50/5.

Add your Artist © and your name then crop and save.
This is only a guide and feel free to use any other element you wish.
Most of all have fun creating.

Email me your creation, so I can show off your creations on my blog.
Thank you for using my tutorial.

Written by © Maree (aka Falcon) on 6th March 2011
Any similarities to this tutorial are purely coincidental

Tender Moments ♥

Supplies Needed

I'm using the artwork of ©Abranda Icle, you find it Here
Scrap kit by Ya Ya called Tenderesse Pastel Here
Font: Anglia Script
Drop Shadow of choice.
HorsePlay's Pastures mask_22 Here
Remember to Save Often!!!

Let's create

Open new image 650 x 650 floodfill with #3c7127.
New layer Selections/select all copy paper17 paste into selection, applymask.
Open ele 45 resize35% center onlayer.
Open ele 36 resize 23% paste below frame move to right.
Open ele 19 resize 15% Image/Flip move to right.
Open ele 2 resize 12% move to top left of frame.
Open ele 33 resize 11% place left side of frame, see tag.
Open ele 9 resize 12%, Image/FreeRotate 90 left move to bottom of frame.
Open ele 41 resize 15% move to bottom of frame, see tag.
Open ele 25 resize 16% move left of frame/Image FreeRotate 90 left.
Open ele 4 resize 13% move to left of frame.
Open ele 16 resize 11% using Pick tool move it over bead element
then using eraser.,rub out part of the string over beads.
Add your tube place on right of layer.
Open ele 22 resize 22% duplicate resize duplicated layer 85%,
place both at bottom of frame.
Give all elements a Drop Shadow 2/2/50/4.

Add your Artist © and your name then crop and save.
This is only a guide and feel free to use any other element you wish.
Most of all have fun creating.

Email me your creation, so I can show off your creations on my blog.
Thank you for using my tutorial.

Written by © Maree (aka Falcon) on 5 March 2011
Any similarities to this tutorial are purely coincidental

Friday, March 4, 2011

Lucky St Pat's Day ♣

Supplies Needed

I'm using the artwork of ©Zephir d'Elph , you find it Here
Scrap kit by Fantasy Dreams Designz called St partrick's
FTU you can download kit Here
Font: Giddyup Std
MuRa Filter Meister-Copies

Remember to Save Often!!!

Let's create

Open new image 650 x 650.
Select ele12 resize45%/duplicate/merge/merge down, then apply MuRa Filter/Copies:

Select Preset tool, I used colours FG:#147604 BG:ffffff, draw out a large circle/
Objects/Align/Center in Canvas.Using Magic Wand
select the green on frame then Adjust/AddNoise/

Select ele34 paste below frame,move to left then Duplicate/Image/Mirror.
Select ele19 place in center of frame.
Select ele15 resize 85% move to top center of frame.
Open your tube then paste on left of frame.
Select ele8 resize 80% Image/Mirror. move to right of frame.
Select ele1 resize 75% move to right of frame.
Select Prest shape using the same as before but change the shape to Rounded Rectangle:

using the arrow change your colors draw out med rectangle.
Using Magic wand select inside of
frame/ Selections/Invert/hit Delete/select paper2 resize 65%
move over frame/hit delete,deselect, move below frame.

Select white frame using Magic wand then add Noise, same as above.
Select ele5 resize 45% place on left of frame.
Give all a Drop Shadow 2/2/50/5.

Add your Artist © and your name then crop and save.
This is only a guide and feel free to use any other element you wish.
Most of all have fun creating.

Email me your creation, so I can show off your creations on my blog.
Thank you for using my tutorial.

Written by © Maree (aka Falcon) on 5th March 2011
Any similarities to this tutorial are purely coincidental