Friday, September 24, 2010

Autumn Beauties ♥

Supplies Needed
Tube or Image of choice, I am using the fantastc artwork of PinUpToons
you can find the artwork here at CILM
Scrapkit I am using a great kit called Autumn Romance FTU by Tootypup,
please visit her blog herre
Font: Belphebe
Drop Shadow of choice.
Mask_84 by Weescotslass
Remember to Save Often!!!

Let's begin

Open new image 600 x 600.
Select tp-frame 2 copy paste resize 65 percent.Using Magic Wand
click inside both frames-
Selections -Modify-Expand by 4.
Select tp-paper 4 copy paste as new layer, Selections-Invert-hit Delete,
move below frame layer.
X-out your background layer then Merge visible.
Select tp-bear2 copy paste place on right side see tag, resize as needed.
Select tp-picketfence 2 copy paste place at bottom of layer.
Select tp-tag1 copy paste resize 38 percent and center on fence.
Select tp-dragonfly 2 copy paste resize 45 percent place left side of frame, see tag.
Select tp-flowerste 5 copy paste near your name plate resize as needed.

New layer Select All copy paste into selection tp_paper4b,
Apply Mask - Merge Group.
Duplicate this layer then on original layer Adjust-Blur-Gaussian Blur 30, click ok.
On duplicated layer give this a Drop Shadow.

Add your Artist © and your name then crop and save.
This is only a guide and feel free to use any other element you wish.
Most of all have fun creating.

This tutorial was written by Maree (aka Falcon) on 24 September 2010
Any similarities to this tutorial are purely coincidental
© Maree

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Dreams ♥


Supplies Needed

PSP – I used X2 but will work in any version
Tube of choice
 Font of choice -FrancineHmk
Mask of Choice WSL_84
I used the beautiful artwork of Suzanne Woolcott 
You can  purchase tubes from Here
Scrap kit Alone FTU by BelVidotti Here

Okay let’s get started

Layers open a new image 600 X 600 (we can resize later)
Copy and Paste paper 12 as a new layer
Layers –New Mask Layer –From Image –Ok
Layers –Merge – Merge Layers.
Copy and paste Element 51 frame resize by 50%.
Image - Mirror- then move up to the right hand side.
With the Magic Wand click inside frame
Selelctions - Modify- Expand by 4
Copy and paste paper 2
Selections – Invert – Delete
Copy and paste your tube resize then hit Delete.
Move paper and tube under frame.
Selections – Select none.
Copy and Paste Element 23 Box frame and resize by 40%
Copy and Paste Element 29 flower and resize by 30%
Duplicate and see above  for placement.
Copy and Paste Element 31 flower and resize by  30%
Copy and paste Element 25 clip and resize by 50%.
Image – Free Rotate – 90 degrees Right.
Copy and Paste Element 21 diamond Teardrop resize by 25%.
Duplicate twice and see above for placement.
Copy and Past Element 16 Butterfly resize by 45% place on the left side above the frame.
Copy and Paste Element 27 resize by 50% place between flowers and frame. See above for placement.

Using font - FrancineKmk  size 72
FG #8f1f3a
BG # 000000
Type Dreams then place above the frame on Left side.
Effects -  Grandient Glow 4.00 # white –thin
Then drop Shadow using 2/2/50/5.

On the left side type this size 36
What was Then
        But not Now
Effects -  Grandient Glow 4.00 # white –thin
Then drop Shadow using 2/2/50/5.
Add the Artist © and your name or watermark. Resize and crop.
Save and your done!

I would love to see your result. Thank you for trying my tutorial.

Merry Christmas Girls ♥


Supplies Needed
PSP – I used X2 but will work in any version
Tube/s of choice
ScrapKit (FTU) First Snow by BlueDreams Designs
Please visit her site Here
 Fonts used: Palatino Linotype and Vivaldi
Mask of Choice
 Brush of Choice
I used the beautiful artwork of  Suzanne Woolcott you will need to
purchase a license to use this work.
You can be purchase from  Here

My Supplies please do not share.

Okay let’s get started

Open a new image 600 X 600 (we can resize later)
Open frame folder and choose a frame I used frame 6
Resize and Duplicate see my tag above
Layers Merge – Layers – Merge Down.
Using Magic Wand click in both frames then
Selections  - Modify – expand by 3
Select paper 11 or a  paper of choice and rezise by 80%
Paste as new layer then Selections – Invert – Delete
Move down under frames.
Don’t Deselect
Copy and past your tube/s -  resize to fit frame/s then hit Delete.
Give these a light Drop Shadow
Move below the frames.
Drop Shadow your frame with
V & H 1
Opacity 75
Blur 5.00
Color:  #000000
Add paper above your background  - and use a mask of choice.
Layers – New Mask-New Image – select mask and hit OK.
Add any Brushes you would like to use.
Click on frame – Select –Preset Shapes
Ellipse use any color -  close off background color
Make a circle and flatten it on top.
Color #a80101 or your choice
Font I used Palatino linotype size 48
Click on vector layer open box and X out the circle then covert to raster
then give this a drop shadow
Repeat this again for the second word then position them as I have above the frames.
Add your artist © and your name or watermark. Resize and crop.

If you would like to animate yours then please follow instructions below

Close out all layers EXCEPT  background, mask and paper layer-Merge visible.
Copy and take into animation shop
Paste as a new animation
Hit Crtl  L till you have 10 frames
Open snow gif and select all then copy and paste into frame till you are happy with it.
Back to Psp close out merged background and merge the other layers and copy
Paste in animation shop as new.
Then Edit –Copy and Past into 1st frame making sure you have Propagate Paste button on
This will then copy and paste  into all the other frames.
Click on the View Animation button to view
Save as a Gif and your done!

I would love to see your result. Thank you for trying my tutorial
© Maree

Loving You ♥


Supplies Needed
PSP X2 used but will work in any version.
Plugins - Eye Candy 4000 -  Gradient Glow

I used the art work of Keith Garvey you can purchase
his artwork and license from Here
Template and ScrapKit FTU Heavenly Blue Here
Font of Choice
I used
Engraves Mt and AxelBrush

Lets Get Started

1.   Open Template Ctrl +D and close original Template then delete vector layer( the layer with the copy  
       write on it.

2.    Selection Tool / select freehand and outline one  small heart  then copy and paste postion it below the
       the set see tag for placement then deselect. Now do the same with the other set, you now should have
       4 hearts on each side.

3.    Selection Tools / select Magic Wand click inside large circle then  / Selections / Modify / Expand by 3. 
       Copy / Paste tubes of choice place then where you would like them. Select / Invert / Delete. Layers /
        Merge / Merge Down your tubes.

4.    Do this again with the small heart I used 2 different tubes for this. Give both sets of tubes a light Drop 

5.    Open loving You scrap kit and select Swirl 12 Copy / Paste. Give a light drop shadow also.

6.    Copy / Past words "forever" and recolor. Adjust / Hue and Saturation / Colorize using these settings,
        Hue : 179 / Saturation: 184 or color to your choice. Add any other Elements if you wish too.

7.     I spelt out the name Garv with color #fa5685 then used Eye Candy / Gradient Glow / whiet.
        Using these settings: 3.00 / 25 / 100 Thin then Effects / with a light Drop Shadow.

8.     Add your name / watermark and Artist  ©.

9.     Click on layer/raster 9 / Select Flood Fill and fill back ground with color of choice.

10.    Resize and crop and save and we  are finished! I would love to see your results.
         Thank you for trying my tutorial.

This  tutorial was written by me, Falcon on the 30th January 2010. Any similarity to this turoial is purely coincidental. please do not copy or claim as your own. All my tutorials are registered with TWI.

Sad Times ♥

Supplies Needed
PSp - I used X2 but will work in any version.
Tube of choice I used Suzanne Woolcott  you can purchase her artwork Here 
FTU Scrap kit by Beth Turner - Summer Refreshments -you will find it Here
Mask of choice I used mask WSL_80 Here
Font of Choice - TK Doodle

Lets Get Started!

1.    Layers open / New Image 600 X 600 we can resize later.
2.    Copy and Past Paper of choice then resize by 75%.
3.    Copy / Past eyelet ribbon of choice then resize by 75%. Layers duplicate twice.
4.    Close out background and Layer 1 then, Layers / Merge / Merge visible. Duplicate
        Image / Mirror.
5.    Select your tube, I used the one with the background. Copy / Paste and resize by 85%.
6.    Move the eyelet ribbons to the grey background area of the tube, see above for placement.
7.    Copy / Paste photo corner of choice resize by 95%. Duplicate / Image / Mirror.
       Layers / Merge / merge Down. Duplicate / Image / Flip.
8.    Copy / Paste Flower of choice see tag above for placement.Duplicate / Flip / Mirror.
9.    Copy / Past button resize by 50% and place at top of frame.
10.   Copy / Paste Glass Flowers / resize by 50% and arrange at bottom of frame.
11.   Add a new layer aboe your background layer and Flood fill with #cc9092. Layers / New Mask /
        From Image / select mask wsl_80. Layers / Merge / Merge Group.  Image /  Resize by 110%
        duplicate / Mirror / Flip.
12.   Add your name / watermark and Artist ©. Resize and crop. Save and your done!

This tutorial was written by Maree aka Falcon  on the 26th April 2009. 
Any similarity to this tutorial is purely coincidental. 
Please do not copy or claim as your own,
I would love to see
your results. 

Friday, September 3, 2010

Sweet Memories of You ♥

Supplies Needed

I am using the artwork of Jennifer Jasenko you can purchase her tubes here.
or a tube of choice
Scrap Sweet Cream FTU by Ivy's Inspirations Here
Heart Element can also be found at Ivy's blog.
Font of choice
Drop Shadow of choice
Mask_84 by Weescotslass Here

Remember to Save Often!!!.
Let's begin
Open new image 600 x 600.
New layer select all copy paste ii_sweetcream_paper1 deselect t
hen apply mask merge group.
Select ii_sweetcream_extra4 frame copy paste resize as needed.
with selection tool outline the frame copy paste your tube. Deselect.
Copy your tube paste behind frame, see tag.
Select ii_sweetcream_extra2 copy the sweet element paste at bottom
 of frame resize as needed.
Select the note paper copy paste resize and place on top left side of frame,
Free rotate 38 degrees to right.
Open ii_heartscatter copy paste resize by 50 percent twice
 and place on right side of frame.

Add your Artist © and your name then crop and save.
This is only a guide and feel free to use any other element you wish.
Most of all have fun creating.
This tutorial was written by Maree (aka Falcon) on 22 July 2010
Any similarities to this tutorial are purely coincidental

© Maree

Sweet As ♥

Supplies needed
Tube of choice or the one I am using the beautiful artwork of Anna Maine 
 you can purchase her tubes at  CILM
Scrap Dangerously Sweet by Wicked Princess  this is FTU
and can be found at Wicked Princess Scraps
Font of choice or the one I used:Party Script
Drop Shadow of choice.
WSL_81 Mask by  Weescotslass
Remember to Save Often!!!

Let's begin
Open new image 600 x 600.
WP_DS_Roseframe1 copy paste resize by 50 percent.
Add your tube resize if needed,
Open WP_DS_Butterfly 1 copy paste resize by 45 percent duplicate
then resize this by 55 percent.
Place the first butterly on the top right side then the second
butterfly on left side center, see tag.
Open WP_DS_Cupcake 1 & 2 copy paste resize as needed.
place at bottom of frame on right side.
Open WP_DS_Lollipop copy paste resize by 48 percent place between cupcakes.
Open WP_DS_Bow 7 copy paste resize by 38 percent and 
 then place in center of frame at bottom, see tag
New layer Selections Select all then open
WP_DS_PP19 copy paste into selection, apply mask merge group,
Add your Artist © and your name then crop and save.
This is only a guide and feel free to use any other element you wish.
Most of all have fun creating.
This tutorial was written by Maree (aka Falcon) on 12 July 2010
Any similarities to this tutorial are purely coincidental
© Maree

Ghostly Friend

Supplies Needed
Tube or Image of choice,
Scrapkit, I am using Bootiful Blair FTU by Kissed By Pix Design,
you can find it here at Scrappetizing.
Font of choice
Drop Shadow of choice.
Mask_181 by Weescotslass
Template 16 by Soaring Hawks Nest

Remember to Save Often!!!

Let's begin

Open new image 650 x 650.
Copy paste KBP_BB_GothidFrameBlack resize by 50 percent.
Using your Pick tool hit shift and move the top left corner up and out not much check tag.
Duplicate layer-Mirror.Move so that both are just touching at center.
Using your selection tool draw out rectangle to fit frame 
then copy paste KBP_BB_AlongCame Slim paper.
New layer paste into selection-deselect. Trim off any paper
showing above the frame.Repeat this for other frame.
Copy paste KBP_BB_HauntedBlack resize by 25 percent, 
place in left frame above paper.
Copy paste KBP_BB_SweetDream coffin move to right frame reszie by 35 percent
then copy pasteKBP_BB_GhostBlack resize by 23 percent 
place in front of coffin.
Copy paste SoaringHawks ghost tree resize by 22 percent and 
place below paper layer on left side.
Copy paste SoaringHawks ghost below paper layer 
on right side place it above frame.
Copy paste Medi_BlalirCustom resize by 45 percent
move to center of frames.
Copy paste KBP_BB_FraidyCatBlack resize by 38 percent
move to left side of tube.
New layer flood fill with #de87a2 then apply mask.
Give all except mask layer a drop shadow.

Add your Artist © and your name then crop and save.
This is only a guide and feel free to use any other element you wish.
Most of all have fun creating.

This tutorial was written by Maree (aka Falcon) on
Any similarities to this tutorial are purely coincidental
© Maree

Elegant Greetings ♥

Supplies Needed
Tube or Image of choice, I am using the fantastc artwork of Suzanne Woolcott 
you can find the artwork here at Gorjuss Art
Scrapkit of choice, I am using a great kit called EleagentGreetings by Amanda Kelleher 
you can find it here.

Drop Shadow of choice.
Mask_250 by Weescotslass

Remember to Save Often!!!

Let's begin
Open new image 600 x 600.
Select AK_FREE_ElegantGreeting 45 copy paste center in layer
. Using Magic Wand click inside frame selections Modify-Expnad by 4 then copy paste AK_FREE_ElegantGreeting (paper) 68, Selections - Invert - Delete, 
move paper below frame.
Add your tube of choice.
Select AK_FREE_ElegantGreeting 38 copy paste resize by 75 percent
move and place on left side of frame.
Select AK_FREE_ElegantGreeting 39 copy paste place on left side 
then give it a slight angle to the left. Duplicate -Mirror, see tag for placement.
Select AK_FREE_ElegantGreeting 84 copy paste 
using your Deform Tool resize to fit width of frame.
Select AK_FREE_ElegantGreeting 102 cop paste resize by 75 percent
then move up to right hand corner of frame.
Using your Eraser, erase top loop so it looks like it is hanging on frame, 
before selecting Eraser zoom your layer out.
Select AK_FREE_ElegantGreeting 3 copy paste resize by 65 percent.
Duplicate layer twice.Remane layers 1 -2 -3.

Adjust -Add/Remove Noise select Uniform then tick Monochrome,
now starting with Noise 35 then
layer 2-40, 
layer 3-45.
New layer selection all copy paste AK_FREE_ElegantGreeting (paper)69 into Selection, 
apply Mask then Merge group.

Add your Artist © and your name.
This is only a guide and feel free to use any other element you wish.
Most of all have fun creating.

Open Animation Shop then in Psp X-out L2 and L3.Click on L1
then got to Edit-CopySpecial-Copy Merged
then in As right click Paste as New Animation.
Click back to Psp X-out L1 then click open L2 Edit-CopySpecial-Copy Merged
then in AS, Paste after current frame.
Click back to psp again X-out L2 open L3 Edit-CopySpecial-Copy Merge
d then in As,click on frame 2 then Paste after current frame.
Save as a gif and your done.

This tutorial was written by Maree (aka Falcon) on 31 August 2010
Any similarities to this tutorial are purely coincidental
© Maree

If You Got It Flaunt It!!!

Supplies Needed

Tube or Image of choice, I am using the fantastc artwork of Keith Garvey 
you can find the artwork here at MPT.
Scrapkit of choice, I am using a great kit called Flurt by Amanda Kelleher,
you can find it here
Drop Shadow of choice.
Mask_84 by Weescotslass
Remember to Save Often!!!
Let's begin

Open new image 600 x 600.
Select AK_FREE_FlurtElements 1 copy paste resize by 75 percent.
Select AK_FREE_FlurtElements 33 copy paste,
using Magic Wand click inside frame copy paste your tube, 
selections Invert-Delete, move below frame.
Give this a Drop Shadow of choice and the frame.
Right click Merge - Merge Down.
Add your main tube place on the left side of frame.
Select AK_FREE_FlurtElements 14 copy paste then using your Raster Deform Tool, 
resize till you happy then see tag for placement. Duplicate - Mirror
Select AK_FREE_FlurtElements 26 copy paste resize by 75 percent 
place at bottom of tube.
Select any other elements of choice you want to use.
Give all a Drop Shadow of choice.

Add your Artist © and your name then crop and save.
This is only a guide and feel free to use any other element you wish.
Most of all have fun creating.

This tutorial was written by Maree (aka Falcon) on 31 August 2010.
Any similarities to this tutorial are purely coincidental
© Maree